Home Interior Essentials for a Vintage Decor
Home decor trends come and go, but some styles defy the spiral. Vintage decor is one such option that has stood the test of time, with more homeowners joining the fraternity as we speak. However, creating a vintage decor can be a cost-intensive affair, especially if you let your instincts take over. To help you keep a check on the damage, we list five essentials of vintage home interiors that won’t make you break the bank.
Floral Wallpaper
Available in a variety of design and color options, floral wallpapers give you a cost-effective way to add a touch of vintage styling to your home interiors. Classic daisies, yellow tulips and hazy white flowers can bring invigorating freshness to any living space. If you prefer minimalist decor, you can cover one of the walls with floral wallpaper to get a vintage look.
Four Poster Bed
Also called “canopy beds”, four poster beds give a royal look to your bedroom. You can easily find a wide array of four poster beds in vintage styling. Drape four corners of the bed in sheer fabric to make it a statement piece of the bedroom. As far as the choices are concerned, wrought iron or solid wooden poster bed will go well with a vintage theme.
Cedar Chest
Traditionally used to store blankets, spared linens, photo albums and other items, cedar chest is no longer a mere storage furniture. The furniture piece is loved for cedar wood’s natural beauty and durability. Whether you place it in bedroom or living area, in a corner or the middle of a room, this vintage furniture will add a rustic charm to the space.
Cafe or Tiered Curtains
Cafe or tiered curtains can brighten the kitchen and dining area. A set of curtains and valances perfectly balance privacy and luminosity. You may, however, require professional help to install curtain rods, if needed. Whether you go for solids, textured, or printed designs, window curtains can go a long way in giving a vintage appeal to your home.
Antique Dishes
Characterized by intricate art, gold rims and subtle use of pastels, antique dishes are a great addition to any type of vintage decor. If your grandma already has a few collectibles, it’s time to take them out of the chest. If not, you can get them from a flea market without having to shell out an exorbitant amount of money.
Wrap Up
Although you can easily find countless items to create and accentuate vintage home interiors, decorating the entire home can be an exhausting task. That is the reason it is advisable to hire an interior design expert to renovate your home. Contrary to common notion, hiring a professional does not mean you would have to burn a hole in your pocket. However, be sure to choose a reputable name in the home interiors business.
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